Guide to Services
Facilities Services provides the maintenance, operation, repair, and light alteration to UCR classrooms, offices, research labs, landscape, and athletic facilities.
Recharge Rates
Rate Description |
FY 23/24 Rate |
FY 24/25 Rate |
Building Maint Worker Labor Rate - per hour | $48.70 | $55.18 |
Custodial / Housekeeping Labor Rate - per hour | $48.46 | $50.01 |
Irrigator Labor Rate - per hour | $81.86 | $86.30 |
Keys, 1st Key - per key | $25.00 | $25.00 |
Keys, Additional Keys - per key | $15.00 | $15.00 |
Card Reader Programming | - | see Access Control |
Laborer Labor Rate - per hour | $48.70 | $51.09 |
Landscaping Labor Rate - per hour | $50.77 | $52.91 |
Project Manager Rate - per hour | $126.00 | $130.00 |
Project Plans/ Drawings - per hour | New | $94.83 |
Refuse Rate - Compost - per ton
$101.45 |
Refuse Rate - Recycling - per ton
$329.66 |
Refuse Rate - Trash - per tip/per yard | $17.44 | $18.64 |
Resource Management Labor Rate - per hour | $55.73 | $57.71 |
Shops Skilled Labor Rate - per hour | $105.75 | $108.42 |
Shops Skilled Labor Rate Overtime - per hour | $158.62 | $162.63 |
Utility - Chilled Water per Ton Hr | $0.22 | $0.22 |
Utility - Electricity per kWh | $0.03 | $0.03 |
Utility - Gas per therm | $0.45 | $0.45 |
Utility - Sewer | $0.58 | $0.58 |
Utility - Water per CCF | $1.93 | $1.93 |
Zone Mechanic / Painter Labor Rate - per hour | $81.86 | $86.30 |
Guide to Services
Table of Contents
- Facilities Services Overview and Vision
- Who We Are and What We Do
- Appendix of Shop Services
- Access Control — Lock Shop
- Admin
- Admin — Carpets/Blinds/Flooring/Pest Control
- Building Mechanical Shop/HVAC-R Department
- Carpentry Shop
- Central Plant — formerly Steam Plant
- Custodial Services
- Electric Shop
- Fire and Life Safety
- Grounds — Landscape Services and Irrigation Services
- Lamping — Light Bulbs
- Paint Shop
- Pest Control Services
- Plumbing Shop
- Recycling/Refuse Services
- Resource Management Services — movers/events
- Sheet Metal Shop
- Sign Shop
- Glossary
1. Facilities Services Overview and Vision
Document Overview
This Facilities Services, or FS, Guide to Services is designed to offer our campus partners a document which details our services, priorities, programs, and recharge rates. This document should provide answers to common questions as well as provide clarification between specific services FS provides from centrally-funded dollars for state-supported space — referred to as core space — and those services paid for by the client through a department-funded FAU — referred to as recharge.
FS Mission Statement
To maintain, operate, and support the University of California, Riverside campus and infrastructure to ensure a safe, and environmentally sustainable environment for education, research, and discovery.
To create an environment of innovation that supports high quality service through a culture of respect, integrity, and diversity.
- Respect: Treat others as you would like to be treated.
- Integrity: Do what you say and say what you do.
- Diversity: Celebrate each other’s differences and seek to learn from new perspectives.
Changes At-A-Glance
The following chart provides a visual overview of changes to be found in detail within this document and reflect an impact to process and recharge costs. The reason for these changes is multifaceted and includes a focus of new faculty, an emphasis on improving public-space conditions, and enhancing building systems preventive maintenance and security programs.
Change | Impact | Status |
Access Controls |
Implemented Jan 1, 2023 |
Event Setup | Recharge cost* for all event setup support | FY 23/24 |
Moves of Equipment and Office Items | Recharge cost* for all move requests supported by FS |
FY 23/24 |
FS Projects | All paint and renovation requests for department-occupied spaces which are not in support of new faculty hires will be recharge and include FS’s newly expanded project management support | FY 23/24 |
Carpentry | Recharge cost* for all requests for seismic restraints, furniture bracing, keyboard tray installation, wall mounts, televisions, art installs, etc. | FY 23/24 |
Sign Shop | Changes to supported services — wayfinding, nameplates, etc. | Implemented FY21 |
Utilities | Connections to support new equipment, new electrical, etc. — non-new faculty — will be recharge cost | FY 23/24 |
*Recharge costs based on current hourly rate for trade service or by item as approved by campus finance committee.
2. Who We Are and What We Do
The primary responsibility of Facilities Services is to operate and maintain, core UCR facilities as set forth in the University of California Office of the President Facilities Manual. Additionally, our departmental priorities are strategically aligned with the campus mission of creating a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff, while ensuring ongoing research support.
Services are supported by five key service areas:
1. Central Plant Services
Central Plant is the heart of the utility infrastructure on campus. It is staffed by plant operators and is operational 24/7. In addition to monitoring the sophisticated plant equipment, all after-hours trouble calls are received and triaged by the plant operators. The plant operators operate and maintain chillers, high pressure boilers, and auxiliary equipment, such as compressed air and vacuum systems, domestic water, and pumps.
2. Client Support Services
Client Support Services aims to deliver extraordinary service and accurate information to everyone on campus so Facilities Services can provide a safe, healthy, growing, learning, and living environment. Our mission is to be the primary source of trusted, accurate, and timely information about the work we do for all who inquire. Services we provide:
- analysis and asset management for FS and campus leadership
- client center — front desk support — calls, emails, service request processing, and updates
- building zone management support
- communication services
View our Client Support Services E-Portfolio at facilities.ucr.edu/document/customer-support-services-e-portfolio.
3. Energy & Engineering
Energy and Engineering aims to advance UC Riverside’s energy and utility infrastructure, energy procurement, energy efficiency, energy renewables, and campus-wide sustainability goals to make UC Riverside number one in energy management and sustainability.
Utility Support for Campus — FS is responsible for providing essential energy and utility services including electricity, natural gas, heating/cooling, water, and emergency power when possible. We provide these critical utilities for the campus including tie-in of utilities to new construction.
For more information on the initiatives of the Energy & Engineering team, visit their information site at energy.ucr.edu.
4. Environmental and Resource Services
Custodial Services
Custodial Services is dedicated to providing the campus community with a healthy, safe, and clean environment to work, and learn. We are committed to the campus's sustainability initiatives by executing a green cleaning program that uses sustainable chemicals, equipment, and work methods that effectively clean, sanitize, and maintain our facilities. Our services include:
- routine cleaning in classrooms, offices, laboratories, hallways, stairwells, conference rooms, and restrooms, according to established frequencies
- preventive maintenance of hard floors and carpeted areas
- unlocking and locking of building entrances and general assignment classrooms
- emergency and after-hours response seven days a week, as needed
See the current schedule of custodial services and frequencies.
Landscape and Refuse Services
Landscape Services maintains landscape, hardscape, and athletic recreation fields for the campus and residential areas. We provide services which include:
- tree trimming
- weed abatement
- irrigation maintenance
- street sweeping
- integrated pest management
- waste, recycling, and composting removal from site containers and building dumpsters
- waste transportation to campus transfer station or vendor site for processing
- specialized maintenance and compliance for campus arroyos and other areas
See the current schedule of landscape services and frequencies.
Resource Management — moving and event set-up services
We provide services which include:
- transporting items for salvage
- daily set-ups for conferences/meetings
- coordinating with customers and vendors for large scale event set up — e.g., commencement and student events.
- providing repair services for facilities-related equipment — e.g., floor care equipment.
- Repairing and replacement of paper and soap dispensers.
5. Maintenance Services
Maintenance Services provides quality maintenance and repair services in a timely, cost-effective manner for all campus facilities.
Maintenance of all campus core buildings and assets currently consist of more than four million square feet of interior space, along with all supporting-utility and building mechanical operations. There are different types of maintenance including:
- corrective maintenance
- preventive maintenance
- deferred maintenance
- emergency response
Maintenance Services also manages:
- miles of utilities across campus including electrical, domestic water, chilled water, steam/condensate, compressed air, vacuum, DI water, natural gas campus assets in the form of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, overall building equipment hardware and physical pieces, and campus infrastructure
- the routine maintenance of hundreds of individual HVAC and other building mechanical equipment
- the increased HVAC expansion of air flow and service with maximized filter replacement at the highest rating possible for each building system
- light bulb replacements for 10,000+ campus fixtures
- the production and maintenance of hundreds of building doors and hardware
- the ongoing, scheduled maintenance and repair of general assignment classrooms and common interior spaces among our many buildings
FS Project Support — Formerly Minor Renovation Projects *New Process*
Beginning Fiscal Year 2022/2023 — July 1, 2022, the former multi-trade project prioritization process has evolved into a new model for project processing with more focus on new faculty support. All projects managed by Facilities Services will be supported by an expanded project management team, who will ensure efficiency and adherence to all campus renovation guidelines — see link below.
For full details of our new guidance, please see our FS Project Process document at R'Projects.
Supporting New Faculty
As part of our support of campus growth, Facilities Services is allocating $1.2M worth of internal staffing resources and skilled trade labor for the improvement of existing, but newly assigned spaces for new faculty at UCR’s main campus. This special project support by FS ensures all campus teaching organizations will be supported as the growth of new faculty continues at UCR.
General Assignment Classrooms — core — and Interior Common Spaces
Facilities Services is tasked by the university to manage the maintenance of all interior common spaces — known as unassignable spaces — such as lobbies, hallways, restrooms, and general assignment classrooms in core buildings. Routine maintenance schedules for these locations are managed by FS based on UCOP useful life guidelines and budget funding. All renovation requests for these locations will be reviewed by leadership and scheduled for repair or renovation based on the routine maintenance calendar managed internally by FS leadership as time/budget allows.
Interior Common Space Makeover Program
FS will engage with the campus community regarding improvement suggestions via our newly developed Interior Common Space Makeover Program. The vision of this program is to improve high-volume, common, campus locations selected from previous and new improvement submissions from campus faculty, students, and staff for the interior finish remodel of common spaces, such as restrooms, lobbies, and hallways. Final selections via public voting will be funded by Facilities Services with work to commence in the spring and summer of 2023.
State-Funded Maintenance Services — core — and Deferred Maintenance
Services directly related to the overall operation and use of Facilities Services and UCR Central Plant are generally funded by state funds. These services include work of a routine, recurring nature required to keep buildings, utilities, and grounds in safe and acceptable operating condition.
Facilities Services, in partnership with campus leadership and our partners at Capital Asset and Planning, maintains a deferred maintenance list and uses state-funded deferred maintenance dollars to repair and replace campus assets as funds become available for this purpose.
Facilities Services supports for the connection of utilities, via recharge, to a vast array of specialized research equipment. Facilities Services does not, however, service, maintain, or pay for the replacement of department-owned equipment.
Prioritization of Service Requests
Facilities Services processes approximately 40,000 service requests along with thousands of calls and emails on an annual basis. Our goal is to assign all incoming requests to the appropriate skilled-trade team the same day it is received, Monday - Friday.
To help organize this volume of work for our trade supervisors, we have enacted the following priority process.
Service Level 1 |
Urgent Emergency work posing a risk to life, safety, and property. |
Service Level 2 |
Immediate Work required to mitigate imminent threats to research, instruction, or safety. |
Service Level 3 |
Essential Work required to ensure continuity of general instruction/research mission. |
Service Level 4 |
Normal Maintenance and repair work required impacting campus operations. |
Service Level 6 |
Recharge Requests Funded by the requestor, a recharge request is a net-new item request of a small scale, such as adding ergonomic keyboard trays or the addition of single electrical circuit. |
Appendix: The services we provide in more detail
The following appendix is intended to provide the campus with a detailed summary of services provided by Facilities Services, itemized under each skilled trade/service area. Each service details the funding source, as well as any additional notes for customers. This list is considered a living document and may not contain all services but provides the most common requests.
Appendix of Shop Services
Access Control — Lock Shop
See the new key policy.
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Admin — Carpets/Blinds/Flooring/Pest Control
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Building Mechanical Shop/HVAC-R Department
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Carpentry Shop
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Central Plant — formerly Steam Plant
Covered Services |
Custodial Services
See the current schedule of custodial services and frequencies.
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Electric Shop
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Fire and Life Safety
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Grounds — Landscape Services and Irrigation Services
See the current schedule of landscape services and frequencies.
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Lamping — light bulbs
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Paint Shop
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Pest Control Services
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Plumbing Shop
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Recycling/Refuse Services
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Resource Management — movers/events
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Sheet Metal Shop
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Sign Shop
Covered Services |
Recharge Services — costs based on currently published recharge rates |
Services FS Does Not Provide |
Auxiliary Services: Self-supporting campus units that do not receive federal or state — core — funds for operating costs.
Common Space: Hallways, building lobbies, elevators, and restrooms also known as unassignable spaces w UCR Space Mgt. team.
CORE Space: According to the UCR Decentralized Budget Model, “Core funds include all 199XX general funds” received for operations and maintenance when each building came online.
Cost-Sharing: The portion of total project costs related to minor renovation projects under $50K that is not covered by core funding to achieve organizational requests while addressing any current building infrastructure issues without the full burden falling to the original requestor.
Exterior Space Committee — ESC: ESC reviews project requests submitted on the R'Projects | UCR PROJECT PORTAL website.
FAMIS: Facilities Services work order management system.
FAU: Department accounting details to support recharge costs.
General Assignment Classroom: Any classroom scheduled through the Registrar’s Office.
ITS: Information Technology Solutions
Key policy: In an effort to improve the security and safety of campus, and in recognition of the significant increase in key/fob/card access over the last few years, Facilities Services implemented an access control and key management policy beginning January 2023. This outlines the expectations for key requests, control of master keys, and subsequent charges related to access requests. See the new key policy.
Maintenance: The traditional recurring maintenance of a space to ensure ongoing teaching, research, administration with a like-for-like replacement of damaged or excessively-aged space. Maintenance projects do not require prioritization and are processed and completed by date of submission, urgency and workload of the tradespeople involved.
Multi-trade Project: The former terminology and prioritization process used to support non-maintenance related facilities-led construction projects. For FY 22/23 this is knows as Facilities Projects.
Organization: The units of academic and financial leadership — all deans and vice provosts at UCR — that report directly to the provost and executive vice chancellor. See the UCR Golden Tree.
Organizational Delegate: The representative from each organization who works directly with leadership to prioritize minor renovation projects each quarter — also referred to as a facilities partner.
PD&C: Planning, Design and Construction — formerly Architects and Engineers, or A&E.
Prioritization: The process by which organizational leadership prioritize minor renovation requests — including patch and paint projects — each quarter based on their needs and number of available projects in their annual allotment.
Project: A service request — typically for a renovation — requiring project management support to coordinate and track the work progress and will have a reference number that begins with the prefix “23P” corresponding to the appropriate fiscal year during which the request was submitted.
Recharge: The method in which the work will be completed at the cost of the requestor or department or organization in which the requestor works.
Renovation: The process of renewing a room or structure by remodeling what is already present and/or adding new components. Typically, a renovation is requested for a special purpose to support the organization’s work on campus, such as a new faculty hire, expansion of existing office space, or renovating an older lab. For Facilities Services, to stay in accordance with state laws, a minor renovation project involves multiple trades — e.g., carpenters, painters, and electricians — self-performing the work and must be less than $50K. All renovation projects, require prioritization by each organization.
Service Level: Refers to the numeric value assigned to a work order based on the request urgency, level of complexity, trades involved and response time. See Appendix of Shop Services.
Service Request: The initial phase of a maintenance or renovation request submitted by a customer using the online Facilities Work Order System form. Service requests generate a reference number that begins with the prefix “23S…” corresponding to the appropriate fiscal year during which the request was submitted.
TAPS: Transportation and Parking Services.
Work Order: A service request which has been processed by the Client Support Services team and assigned a service level and technician. Once processed, these requests generate a new work order number, often with a prefix “23W…” for single trade work orders or “23P…” for multi-trade projects, corresponding to the appropriate fiscal year during which the request was submitted.