
Physics Building receives interior refresh

Inside the Physics Building, every common entryway, stairwell, and hallway is currently receiving an attentive makeover. The extensive project commenced during the winter break, after Planning, Budget & Administration was able to secure funding.

Over the years, missing ceiling tiles, old cove bases/baseboards, and walls plagued by peeling paint had transformed the interior into a visual eyesore. Most notably, the wall paint was not adhering to the substrate underneath, causing it to crack and slip off.

Facilities Services started with abating and encapsulating the walls. This included scraping and sanding off flaking paint and encapsulating it with a special formula paint. Most stairwells and common areas are now primed and painted. Cove bases are currently being replaced along with any missing ceiling tiles. 

Dan Lerman, assistant director of project management, and Enrico Baez, building zone manager, are stewarding the work. For phase two of the project, they are acquiring an estimate to refresh the projection wall in Physics 2000.

Facilities Services’s project management provides a paint refresh to the Physics Building entryway and stairway. (UCR/Erin Chapman)
The Physics Building project included scraping and sanding off flaking paint in common areas. (UCR/Dan Lerman)
Deteriorated cove bases and paint-patched walls were identified for a makeover in common areas in the Physics Building. (UCR/Dan Lerman)
Aged paint was not adhering to the substrate underneath, causing it to crack and slip off the walls in the Physics Building. (UCR/Dan Lerman)
Primed and painted walls aesthetically revive the common space hallways of the Physics Building. (UCR/Erin Chapman)