Brian Hambleton, Lead Electrician

Scheduled Outages

Contact Us: (951) 827-4214 or      Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Mon - Fri     After Hours & Holiday Emergencies: (951) 827-4677


Facilities Services is dedicated to informing the campus community of scheduled outages that occur on campus. This information is accurate and reliable, but may change. Please inform all persons in your department who might be affected by the scheduled outages. If additional information is required, contact Facilities Services at (951) 827-4214 /

Want to know when your building will have an outage? Subscribe or unsubscribe to our Building Contact Notification Distribution List.

subscribe/unsubscribe — Outage notifications

Scheduled utility outages and shutdowns: 


Every Tuesday

See the building schedule NFPA code 110 testing — generator maintenance See impact details

Anthony Morris
Zone Mechanic
(951) 827-4062 /

Client Support Services
(951) 827-4214 /

Saturday, March 22 to Sunday, March 30, daily from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm

A. Gary Anderson Hall

Arts Building

Gordon S.

Watkins Hall

Herbert John

Webber Hall

John W. Olmsted Hall

Tree trimming. There will be some equipment noise and dust.

Mark Jones
Campus Arborist, Irrigation and Landscape Supervisor
(951) 827-4051 / 

Client Support Services
(951) 827-4214 /

Monday, March 24 to Thursday, March 27 from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm — Silent alarm test

Thursday, March 27 from 6:00 am to 7:00 am — Strobe and siren test

W. Conway Pierce Hall

Pierce Hall Annex Wing

Conduct an annual test of the fire alarm system.  

John Kendrick
Fire Maintenance Prevention Technician 
(714) 928-1008 /   

Client Support Services
(951) 827-4214 /

Thursday, March 27 from 6:00 am to 10:00 am Psychology Building Repair industrial water heater. Install steam control valve on the industrial hot water skid. Hot water to all lab sinks, cage washers, and any equipment requiring industrial hot water will be impacted.

Steve Crook
Lead Plumber
(951) 827-7696 /

Client Support Services
(951) 827-4214 /

Saturday, March 29 from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm Geology Building Demolition project to remove approximately 120 square feet of concrete in the basement.

There will be jackhammering noises to remove concrete. We will conduct the work on Saturday to minimize disruption to operations. There will be no elevator access to the basement; please use the stairway.

From Monday, March 31 to Friday, April 18, there will be minimal construction noise in the basement. Elevator access available.

Dan Lerman
Project Manager
(951) 462-0000 /

Client Support Services
(951) 827-4214 /

Monday, March 31 from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm Student Health & Counseling Center Make urgent repairs to the a/c units. There will be no comfort cooling air to some areas of the building.

Dexter Galang
PD&C Project Manager
(951) 288-8685 /

Friday, April 4 from 12:00 pm to Monday, April 7 at 8:00 am Psychology Building Replace failing air compressor system for the vivarium. There will be no compressed air to the vivarium.

Bill Hensche
Building Mechanical/HVAC-R Supervisor
(951) 827-3346 /

Client Support Services
(951) 827-4214 /


For Facilities Services/PDC Staff Only: Request a Utility Outage or Shutdown Notification 
*Note this form does not replace the formal USR process.

For Facilities Services Staff Only: Lock Out Tag Out Form and Smartsheet.